Unique NetApp video lands Viddy and dotCOMM awards for MarketReach

Craig Clarke

By Craig Clarke
September 12, 2023

Unique NetApp video lands Viddy and dotCOMM awards for MarketReach

NASHUA, N.H.—MarketReach, Inc. (mreach.com), provider of creative services for B2B technology companies for almost 30 years, has been honored by both the Viddy Awards and dotCOMM Awards for a video created for NetApp.

MarketReach was recognized for “Stop Ransomware in Its Tracks with NetApp.” The video uses 2D animation to tell the relatable story of two IT managers and their different experiences against similar ransomware attacks.

Play NetApp Video

“Stop Ransomware in Its Tracks with NetApp” received a Platinum Viddy Award and a Gold dotCOMM Award.

The team also found it personally rewarding. MarketReach project manager Jessica Nickels called it “hands down one of my favorite projects. This video takes such a fun approach to drive home a serious topic. And Beth really brought the script to life.”

Beth Pike, motion graphics designer for MarketReach, gave some insight into her process. “Unlike a lot of B2B explainer videos, this one was driven by story and character. I approached it more as a cartoon short than a typical marketing video—and tried to make every scene entertaining with little things like when a character makes a funny face, or that Paul’s plant slowly dies as his situation gets worse. In fact, the animation was so much fun, I would lose track of time and need to be reminded to go home at the end of the day.”

“The collaboration across the full team (client and MarketReach) was fantastic,” said Nickels. “We talked through ideas, reviewed assets and rough cuts, and worked together to find solutions to aspects of the video that didn’t quite click at first.”

Pike explained, “We had to change one scene to better represent how the NetApp software works, but once they explained it to us, they loved what we came up with to replace it. I’m already looking forward to a sequel.”

The Viddy Awards (formerly Videographer Awards) recognize “video excellence in a digital world,” and the dotCOMM Awards honor “excellence in web creativity and digital communication.” Both prizes are judged by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (AMCP), which honors achievement and service to the communication profession worldwide.

“Working so closely together resulted in a huge win for all of us.”

—Jessica Nickels, Senior Project Manager, MarketReach, Inc.

About MarketReach, Inc.

An independent creative production shop, MarketReach, Inc. (mreach.com), produces marketing materials and experiences for technology companies worldwide, including such leaders as Amazon, Dell Technologies, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, NetApp, Unisys, and VMware. With nearly 30 years of experience, MarketReach enables tech marketers to extend their production capacity with award-winning creative excellence and customer service. It is headquartered in Nashua, NH, with additional staff working remotely throughout the United States.

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