Rod Griffith

Rod cofounded MarketReach in 1994, after working as a Marketing Manager at DEC, and brings a wealth of B2B technology marketing strategies and tactics to the table. Rod enjoys working with customers and sharing his vast experience of marketing initiatives, programs, events, and sales tools. If you’re a Beatles fan, plan to set aside a solid week when you chat with Rod.

Strategy, Technology
Is it time to review your early user program?

June 21, 2024

Strategy, Marketing
5 essential tips to craft winning joint marketing campaigns with MDF

December 1, 2023

Strategy, Marketing
Increase your MDF impact by accelerating the customer buying journey

November 3, 2023

Strategy, Advertising, Marketing
6 important MDF do’s and don’ts to secure your marketing success

October 6, 2023

What the crew of the Santa Maria teaches partner/alliance managers about partner myopia

October 7, 2022

Strategy, Marketing
Five useful B2B marketing tips in a time of stress

September 16, 2022

Strategy, Marketing
Partner with your customers to boost marketing impact (case study)

August 8, 2022

Mindshare vs. awareness generation campaigns

August 3, 2022

How to develop more effective alliance partner sales tools

March 18, 2022

Strategy, Marketing
7 alliance partner marketing pitfalls you may not know (but should)

February 25, 2022

Upreaching to your C-suite decision makers

December 10, 2021

Do you truly know your strongest competitor? (Hint: It’s not the bear.)

November 19, 2021

How marketing can help you transition to relationship selling

October 8, 2021

6 reasons why marketing to executives fails

May 19, 2017

Adaptability in marketing

April 14, 2017

Don’t want your solutions commoditized? Don’t commoditize your customers.

March 27, 2017

Merging with the conversation highway

March 16, 2017

The Patriots prove perseverance prevails

February 6, 2017